15-Yrs-Old Muslim Boy In Pakistan Raped A Kitten Almost For 20 Days

Actually, I don't wanna write over this issue, but deep inside my inner soul says that this is nothing but a clear sign of doomsday is near and Allah has removed his blessings from us after we lose our control and fully anticipated with the Shaytaan (evil). Meanwhile, the Pandemic is a clear sign of Allah's anger, now the youth of ummah is doing such heinous crime/act which is considered as illegal and Allah's cursed and wrath showers on those who did such a crime. According to us, the Parents of the boy are equally responsible for being neglected for their son's doing. indeed, one's parent should raise their children in such a manner that they can benefit them in their oldage and also give respect to Allah's creation.

I'm not sure but once I heard that during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) one-man raped an animal, so the noble prophet said that both the man and the animal is worst of its kind, and he advises not to eat or drink its meat or milk, also the man who raped the animal was considered the worst of man.
(I've heard this, so do not blindfold believe it as an authentic hadith of noble Prophet) but if anyone of you gets the same hadith please comment it into our comment section.

An animal non-profit organization based in Pakistan raised this issue after posting the story on their Facebook page "JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter". We are attaching the video of that kitten who has been taken to the doctor for a medical checkup from the respective page.

Meanwhile, apart from this, another video has come in which the boy around 20-22 is also doing the same heinous crime with his Cat, which too went viral on social media, surely we are also going to provide facebook external link of that: Boy Rapping another Cat in Pakistan.

Prophet Muhammad's fondness for cats has conveyed in his hadith: "Affection for cats is part of faith" (Maqasid al-Hasanah, al-Sakhawi). So, loving a cat is a sign that someone is a believer. When Prophet Muhammad came across a black-and-white Abyssinian cat breastfeeding her kitten during the Uhud campaign, he changed the course of his soldiers. On his way back he adopted this cat and gave her the name "Muezza." One day, he slightly tipped his cup so that a cat passing by could drink some water.

Also, one woman also got hell for ill-treating a cat as reported in many hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Let us tell you what the post of that animal rescue organization says:
Just when I was already giving up on the world and was thinking it is a terrible place for animals, this case came in and has shattered me to the point that I don't think I will ever be fixed. But if I look away and ignore this, I would not be able to face my Lord. I cried, I cried with the girl who reported this. I'm ashamed of belonging to the human race. This kitten was bought by a family in Lahore, their son is 15 years old. This boy along with other boys (his cousins and friends) have been raping her for a week and damaged her organs to the point that she gave up last night. She could not walk, she could not eat, she could not sit, she never slept due to the pain and trauma. When she was taken to the vet he took out lots of sperm, blood, and lots of shoppers that were used by those boys for raping the kitten. Sperm and blood kept on leaking from her holes. She was raped so much that her two holes turned into one. The vet also confirmed of whatever had happened to the kitten but refused to write it on the paper as he did not want to get involved in any of this. The girl who had been monitoring these kids always kept an eye on the kitten and saw that she was in a terrible condition. She often offered help for taking in the cat but they refused, when they damaged her completely they gave the kitten to her after she insisted again. The girl literally prayed for the kitten to be taken by God because she could not see her misery and pain. Tell me what kind of punishment do these boys deserve? What should be done to them? If this goes to police they will either laugh or ignore, animals mean nothing to them. This is like the 5th sexual abuse case related to animals that I have come across. I filed cases, sent written complaints, went to lawyers, spoke to a million people. Did anything ever happen? I will again file a court case and speak to a lawyer. I want these boys punished the same way they tortured the kitten. You people would probably like and share, and this will get old. Some rapists will get another dog or cat or a monkey. Because it is so much easier raping the voiceless and weak as they won't even be able to tell what you devils did to them right? You know this voiceless don't have laws and are not taken seriously here, so you chose them to rape. If the law doesn't work this time, I will personally handle these boys. I will not forgive them. So done with humans. The girl who reported this doesn't want to go to courts or come on any platform, so she contacted me so I can be the voice for this kitten that was raped brutally. The kitten is buried and surely speaking to God up there about whatever happened to her in this cruel world. This is Pakistan, and these are Pakistani men. Men are choosing animals for rape now after women and minors. Who will get justice for this hand-sized little kitten when our women and children are not given justice after rape? I want to ask our politicians and officials, where are all the animal laws? Why is this not a big deal for us? How many more animals will get raped? I'm just ashamed today, to the point I want to bury myself in the ground. Some serious therapies and sex education programs need to be conducted in our country no matter how much mullahs hate it, men don't know shit here! These programs and workshops are essential now. The government needs to conduct urgent sex education programs in schools and in societies and there should be laws for animals. But first of all, police should be taught to take animal cases seriously. When the mother of that boy was approached she said MY SON DID NOT DO THIS SOMEONE FROM THE STREET MUST HAVE DONE IT. I'm still in a shock and crying, what did this kitten do to deserve this? I swear if this time, laws and authorities stay silent. I'm forming animal police of my own and will punish these bastards my self. There should be animal police, an animal helpline, a helpline to report animal abuse and rape cases because we are one sick society! Checkup confirmed whatever happened to the kitten but vets refused to write that on a paper. I hate men, I hate men, I hate men, I'm scared of going out, I'm scared of walking between men. God save us from them! No one is safe here. No one.

This is not the first time I'm speaking and standing up for animal rights, but I know now all PTI supporters will calm me and I will keep wasting time on laws which never work, like all of my other pending cases in courts, citizens portal never bothers to reply or address any issue, I sent 10 complains to top agencies and officials on previous animal abuse with proofs but none of them got back to me, so this time if nothing is done I will expose these kids and shame them by all means. It what happens next. I have spoken to eyewitnesses of animal rapists, I have seen real videos from our country on rapes, I have rescued animals from sexual abuse, you can't deny this happens, you cant cover it up, you cant hide this. This country and society are going towards failure, when you target the weak and voiceless you have no future.

Speaking to the lawyer shortly to proceed. (All rights reserved to the JKF Animal Rescue and Shelter) Facebook Page.

 I think if you are an animal lover you should also raise your voice against this inhumane act, and share so that the respective authorities can take action.

The JFK Animal Rescue & Shelter team told loveforislamic.blogspot that the president of the organization is a female and she ha been harassed by a media personality Waqar Zaka, also the Pakistani Audience started giving her threats as they sought that she is defaming the image of Pakistan.

The JFK Team told us- " I wanted to msg personally as the goons sent by wakar zaka dont want this case solved and are busy in abusing and harassing me. This case would've been on another level right now if he had not done that live shitty stream yo get ratings. He was the reason that the family that reported the case backed out and we lost all the evidence that had to be given to us. He directed the entire case towards him and did not realize it was about a little raped kitten, not me or JFK or wakar. He destroyed the case. He made it so complicated by his feed that now I have to do things in a different way, on my own. I can't care about waqar zaka right now and let the kitten's case suffer anymore. I'm going to be filing a police report and will be calling an investigation about the entire case for the culprits and reporters who are the only ones that know the kid accused and had the evidence at their house. Currently, we are going to the vet that checked the kitten, we are on our way. We will try to talk to him and see what he has to say about all of this. We won't be posting it on Facebook neither will we will send you an inbox as you need to realize there are billions of msgs we are receiving every second including the threats and trolls. I will not let this case bury in the ground, wakar zaka tried to shame me but I will not stop standing up for the rights of animals as they are everything to me. I will make sure i find everything out and get to the boys involved even if the family has backed off. I will not die until I get justice for the kitten. And I don't mind dying while standing up for her. These abusers made my mother cry and even abused her on this page. They can't stop me from doing the right thing. They tried their best to make it stop but I have only gotten stronger.
Hope this sums up everything! Will only post regarding this once the entire legal thing is done, might take time but won't stop"