Mesut Ozil Muslim Arsenal player raised his voice for Uyghur Muslims in China.

Weeks back one of the most famous players of Arsenal F.C, Mesut Ozil tweeted in sympathy of Uyghur Muslims, as you know there has been a crackdown on Islam in all over China, even a Muslim can not name their newborn child with a Muslim name especially Muhammad, because Muhammad is the name of Islamic Prophet (PBUH).
Muslims can't even offer Salah in their own homes, the Chinese government make them homeless and sent women, children to detention camps and young boys and man are killed. Women have to marry non-muslim men forcibly.  Young girls are getting raped each day in Uyghur for being Muslim.
Same riot like situation in India, where the fascist and anti-Muslim government passed an act which swiped citizenships from Muslims living in India.

Mesut Ozil posted in favor of Uyghur Muslims: " The bleeding wound of the Ummah. The community of fighters who resist the persecution. The glorious believers who are fighting alone agents those who try to forcibly take them away from Islam. Qurans are burned, mosques are closed, madrasas are banned, religious scholars are killed one by one. The brothers are forced into the camps. Chinese men are settled in their families instead of them. The sisters are forced to marry Chinese men. Despite all this, the Ummah of beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is silent. Doesn't object/say anything? Muslims are not supported. Don't they know that consenting to persecution is persecution? How nicely Hazrat Ali said: "If you cannot prevent persecution, make it known publicly!"

While these events have been on the agenda even in the western media and states for months and weeks, where are the Muslim countries and their media? Don't they know that staying neutral when persecution is carried out is despicable Don't they know that what our brothers and sisters will remember about these sad/tough days years later is not the tortures of the tyrants, but the silence us. their Muslim brothers?

Oh Allah, help our brothers and sisters in East Turkestan.
'Undoubtedly, Allah is the best of planners'

- Mesut Ozil

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