Abdul Rahman bin Auf left gold of net worth $606 billion surpassed Bill Gates to be the richest man.

Yes, one of the beloved companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) PBUH Abdul Rahman Auf left worth of $606 billion of gold when he left this world for heavenly abode. Even today the richest person on earth has the net worth of $103 billion which is $503 less than that of the companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) PBUH.

He does business and his business strategy was based upon three principles which we will tell you later in this same blog or article later.

First, tell us to tell you in brief that who is this Sahabi Abdul Rahman bin Auf: He is promised from one of those ten who will go into paradise. He was born in 580 AD and died in 654 AD he almost lived for 73 years, he was born in Mecca recently known as Makkah, which is the center of the Earth as well as the House of ALLAH. He died in Jordon, where at that time mostly the business class people used to live. He is buried in the sacred sand and land of Jannatul-baqi, in Median Saudi Arabia, where our most loving and favorite Prophet Muhammad (SAW) PBUH is also resting.

The net worth of The Sahabi Abdul Rahman bin Auf :
when he left for heavenly abode he left about 13,188 tons of Gold, which cost around 606,635,500,000 USD.

The net worth of the current richest person in the world: Bill Gates
Bill gates according to this story now stood at the second position to be the richest person ever lived on earth with the net worth of only $103 billion.

The net worth of the Sahabi (Companion of the Prophet Muhammad ) Abdul Rahman bin Auf is $606 billion USD.

It clearly states that at that time and current assessment of his wealth declares that he is six (6) times richer than Bill Gates.

Ever wondered how he made such an amazing amount of money at that time when there was no globalization although he was only a true business and an honest Muslim.
Do not worry we will tell you:  

1) He started his business by selling some yogurt (dry milk butter) some oil and butter.
2) He started this business with only 4 dinars at that time.
3) Then he found that horse-trading had a good scope in the market at that time.
4) He started to trade horse.
5) Started selling Saddles also.
6) His earnings raised rapidly.

The strategy of the Sahaba Abdul Rahman bin Auf:
1) He always deals in Cash.
2) He never waits for a higher profit or never stocks things.
3) He always made fair deals.


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  2. Allahumma swalli alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad, was alaa Ali sayyidinaa Muhammad

  3. Good information... Thanks administration.

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