India opens world largest Detention Center for Muslims

As you all know that the Indian government has passed an act known as CAA (Citizen Amendment Act) and the NRC ( National Register of Citizens), this act will declare all Muslims living in India since ages as illegal immigrants and will give Indian citizenship to all those non-muslims which migrated to India from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan.
The countrywide protest is going on India since the act came into existence, all the other communities including Hindus living in India are standing shoulder to shoulder with their Muslim brothers and sisters where a fascist government passed an act which is anti-muslim and violates the constitution of India. As you all know India is the world's largest secular democracy where anybody could live, earn, vote irrespective of their religion, but this act violates the very article 14 of the Indian constitution and violates the preamble to the constitution of India.

While this government already did NRC in the state of India's Assam, where 19 lakhs people were unable to prove their citizenship out of which 14 lakhs are Hindus and 5 lakhs are Muslims. Now the 14 lakhs will be given citizenship by the GOI and the rest of 5 lakhs Muslims were sent to detention camps and already many have been taken to these camps, with this India opened the world's largest detention center in Matia, Assam, which will accommodate these 5 lakhs Muslims.

About 1000 crore rupees were spent to do NRC in Assam only, Imagine what will it cost to the government to do nationwide NRC? As you already know that the GDP rate is now 4.5% and India is suffering from the Economic crisis, how can the state government be able to stabilize the Indian economy when the country is running under the debt.

Meanwhile, the CAA is based on the Hitler's perspective and model, the same thing is happening with the Muslims of Uyghur in China, even they were tortured up to third-degree and barbaric, although reports from India claims that till now 24 Muslims have died so far, many Muslims housed were looted by the Police itself, also public property has been vandalized and seized by the Police and the government.

Now, it's not the matter of Syria and Palestine alone, but Rohingya, India, China are now also lineup, Now, the responsibility should be taken by the UAE and Arab nation to save, protect, and flourish the flag of Islam in the entire world, but the sheiks are busy licking the feet of Americans.

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