China is allegedly using Pig's bones to make "Tasbeeh" & selling it to Saudi Arabia.

You people are very well aware of the ongoing crisis in China regarding the Xinjiang Uyghur Muslims. China is treating these Muslims like they are not human but animals. There is worldwide protest all over the world regarding treating of Uyghurs Muslims by the Chinese government.
Another popular issue nowadays is of Indian Muslims who are facing serious threats from the GOI, the Indian government recently passed a bill which will throw out the Muslims living in  India since ages.

around 26-30 Muslims died during the protest against this anti-muslim bill last week in India, as you know Muslims are facing serious troubles in China, India, Syria, Palestine, Yemen but the so-called religious leader's especially Saudi Arabia doing nothing to help these nations where Muslims have been seriously killed or injured by the authorities rather than helping them or raising voice KSA (Saudi Arabia) is busy buying Tasbeeh (Muslims used to count salah on them) from China, in which China is using the bones of Pigs. Many of you know that "Pig" is considered as "Haram" animal in Islam. 

There is anger in the Muslim ummah regarding both the nations 'China" and "India" for treating Muslims discriminatory and inhumane, barbaric way. The Muslim ummah is boycotting Chinese products and asking the world to raise the voice against China and India.

We, are sad to share this with you that until now, 3M Muslims had been jailed into concentration camps in China and India on another hand opens the world's largest detention center for Indian Muslims.

Raise your voice before its too late, and also put pressure on Saudi Arabia to stop delivering Oil to Americans and Chinese in order to show solidarity with the Muslims of China and India.

Also read our more blogs on the issue of CAA (Detention center in India and China's treatment of Uyghurs Muslims) by going on the main page.

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