Chaos in Afghanistan over New Islamic National Flag, 3 killed


There are now we can say two parties in Afghanistan, one is those who are in support of Taliban and Sharia law, the other one is against to the prior. The second party doesn't want the Talibs government and are not ready to recognize them as their leader. Soon after capturing Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, the very first thing which was done by the Talibs is changing the tricolour flag of Afghanistan into an all Islamic National flag with the first Kalmah (Shahada) on it.

For a detailed analysis of changing the flag, you can read: Taliban changed Afghanistan Flag to "La ilaha ilalah Muhammadur Rasul Allah"

A piece of news has come from Jalalabad, Afghanistan that some citizens protested over the changing of the flag into an all Islamic flag and declared it a national flag of Afghanistan. The protested were angry because they do not want the Talibs to change their national flag, they want their tricolour old flag to be the national flag (the old flag was of black, red and green colour bearing Kalmah in the middle of it), but the new one is of white colour with Kalmah covering the whole flag from right tom left.

The world and the west media are doing great propaganda by depicted the Talibs as violators of human rights and especially oppressors of women. While some true journalist from around the world says nothing negative about them who were in Afghanistan covering the whole crisis.

The people of Afghanistan are in chaos as they are confused about whether to accept the Talib government or not, they are right now not worried about their present situation as the condition is quite peaceful but they are worried about their future as they are not told by the Talibs how will they run the country.

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