Taliban changed Afghanistan Flag to "La ilaha ilalah Muhammadur Rasul Allah"

 Soon after taking over the Country officially Afghanistan's Taliban started changing things according to Sharia law. They changed the Media houses and only males are now allowed to work outside houses as it was during the time of the Prophet (PBUH). Earlier the flag of Afghanistan was tricolour black, green and red but now they have changed it into a white background with Kailmah Tayyab with black colour. 

There are so many Muslims who are calling the leaders of the Taliban "Ameerul Momineen" (leaders of the Ummah) and wholeheartedly supporting the victory of the Taliban, while the majority of people are against the Taliban as many of them think that they are not real Muslims and kill innocent people in the name of Islam.

The picture which we have used is from the National television of Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, as the Taliban has now official took the charge of the country, they have changed everything according to their beliefs. Even the country's national news television ambience.

People are debating much about why the people of Afghanistan are trying to escape their own country due to the fear of the Taliban and now what will be the condition of women in Afghanistan as Taliban has a stain on their ideology which oppressed the women.

Also, the people are concerned about the investment of India in Afghanistan and also worried that the USA and China will recognize the Taliban government officially soon.

Tell us your views how do you see all this and are you a supporter of the Taliban or against them, if yes then why and if not, why?


  1. I really support them, if they were fake muslims they could not get an iman to beat all US ans UK forces that was helped by all technologies. But they had indeed been helped by Almighty Allah.

  2. I'm always in support of them bcos the country will be in peace of mind and everything will change into a better

  3. Aselamu alejkum Wa Rahmetullahi Wa Barakatuhu my dear brothers in Islam ! The LIONS of Allah SWT
    The GLORIOUS Mujahedeen May Allah SWT Grant You all success and Triumph over all His enemies
    Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
    La ilaha illa Allah
    Muhammed ur Resulullah

  4. I really hope and pray that like Afghanistan all Muslim territories become Emirates InshAllah sooner or later

  5. I also believe them as a true representative of their people and not by outsiders. So, let as give them a chance by managing the affair of their beloved homeland and people.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I hope that also in other country

  8. May Allaah bless Taliban more & more

  9. may Allah bless Taliban one day inshaAllah the flag of islam shines the world

  10. Only Allah is as good as the plan..islam will rise on one khalimah

  11. I pray an hope the Taliban's should unite it people and make a safe an conducive country for it people,,the country has suffered a lot of damages which can't be replace in decades,,talibans please do all the needful for your people let the peace an harmony rails

  12. Allah maha besar. Segala puji bagi Allah. Tuhan semesta alam.

  13. I support💯 women are dignified not suppressed. Because all of thier need will be taking by either father, husband, or children. They don't need to labour as they are precious. N d Qur'an uplift a Man above women but not suppressing.

  14. The Taliban is just doing what what Shariah dictates, as Muslim there is no problem with it, sooner or later we will know the real wisdom of it. God is surely help those who are patient and doing things accordingly.

  15. I support the Taliban because this group of people to implement the shari'a law in Afghanistan.

  16. What is counted is good intentions they shouldn't not treat women like slaves.Actually just follow the Quraan and sunnah of the prophet if they transgress then they should be ready to face Wrath of Almighty..I fully support them if nothing goes wrong there.

  17. Alhamdullilah, give Taliban a chance to govern their country. They also fights a lot of battles, from Russian war and US invasion. May Allah show them the right path to govern their country. Tawakaltu ALLAH ❤️

  18. Change and bring peace to your beautiful nation. Show the world what peace and love is all about and prove them wrong for once with mercy and love. You do not need anyone to invade your country and force peace. Do it it yourselfes and show your people what peace and love is and the world will see

  19. Masha Allah, Alhamdulillah,it is really the quite right way, i will support them in sha Allah

  20. maashaa allah they are on streat way
