Saudi crown prince said China is doing right by putting Uyghur Muslims in Detention camps.

We are very sad to share this with you, that the leader of Makkah and Madina, Muhammad Bin Salman joined hands with china and defend China's perspective to put the Muslims in concentration camps. Don't be shocked by this activity of KSA's crown prince Muhammad bin Salman, because even his father KING SALMAN never helped the helpless Rohingya, Syrians, Palestinians.

As you all know that the wars in Syria and Gaza have been existing since the last 70 years, but no Arab nation is helping them even raising their voices against the injustice done to them by fascists governments and enemies of Islam.

May Allah give Hidayat to Saudi's Princes and Kings. Muhammad Bin Salman made the comment while he visited Bejing to sign a trade deal between Saudi Arabia and China. He added that putting Muslims in concentration camps is the right of "Chinese Government".

He further added that " China has the right to remove anti-terrorism and de-extermination for its national security. He said this because he signed a multi-million trade deal with Beijing.

As you know the Uyghurs are the East Turkic group that practices Islam as their religion and lives in western China and parts of central Asia, up till now the ground reports say there are about 3M Muslims in the Chinese concentration camps. The Muslims of Uyghur appealed Saudi's powerful crown prince to raise voice for their cause but the Crown prince neglected it as China has become one of the leading trade partner of Saudi Arabia in the last few years. 

Tell me is this is not hypocrisy? You supposed to defend the rights of Muslim ummah all over the world as you are ruling the city of Muhammad (PBUH) and the holy city of Kaaba, Muslims see you as their legal leader, but you sold even the sacred lands of Palestine to the enemies of Islam for some shellings, dollars, luxuries, and comfort. Is this how you show your face on the day of judgment to Allah and his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? You Muhammad bin Salman.

It is not to late raise your voice, Salman, otherwise your grave will be full of darkness due to the curses of the Muslim ummah especially of the Muslims of Syria, whom you never helped. May Allah save guard the Muslim ummah and give us Hidayat...


  1. Hmmnm, I beg Almighty Allah to out his face down and never raise again until he repent. May cause of Allah be upon him.

  2. the problem is chaines goverment is not puting them because they are muslem,they tret them badly becuse they try to be independent of china, in each terorest organization there were some uyghurs fighters even now there are about 200 fighter helping isis in syria.
    so uygher people are trying to makes it fight of islam and chines which is not it is fight of land and nationality.
    chaina treating chines muslem very well which they excep to be chaines

  3. Respected Sir, My Name is Kashif Imam and I am An Indian Origin Muslim. I wish to draw your attention to the current situation which the Kingdom is facing due to Coronavirus. As a responsible Muslim I am offering myself for the sake of Humanity to please my Allah and to save the Human life I wish the Ministry of Health KSA must create vaccines for Covid-19 and test it on me as I don't want anyone lives to be put on danger and risk. I am offering my self for the experiment of Covid-19 Vaccine to test on my Body. As a Muslim it is my responsibility to fulfill my duty to Help the Mankind. Regards Kashif Imam # 0506069001
