Indian Police pelt stones on Muslims Offering Friday Salah at Lucknow.

As you all know that the CAb later changed to CAA has passed in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha also approved by the president of India, now became an act that excludes Muslims as a legal citizen of India. While the act grants citizenship to all those non-muslims who are refugees living in different parts of India, while Muslims living in India since ages have to provide documents to prove their citizenship. The government wants to paint the Country in Saffron but they painted the country into Red color, as Police in the entire country used stones, lathis, tear gas, even opened straight fire.

The agitation was started when Police forcibly entered in the Jamia Millia Islamia premises and started beating students and even the Police destroyed the Library and beat female and male students studying there.
Two young Muslim students died in this horrible and terrifying brutal lathi-charged by the Police, after this incident at JMI, the Students of AMU (Aligarh Muslims University) stands with JMI in solidarity, but Police there also did the same things and the lathi, tear chemical, bullets, pistols were used by the police, the brutality in the AMU campus was more brutal than that of JMI.

After thet whole of the India and International countries protest against this anti-Muslim bill/act and on last Friday Muslims were offering the Friday Salah in an open field as all were protesting against this act, suddenly cops started pelting heavy stones while Muslims were in congregation praying Jumah Salah.
The nearby people surrounded them so that the Muslims offering Salah would not get hurt by those heavy stones, we salute to all those people who saved the Muslims offering Namaz, and we salute their humanity, even some non-muslims also helped them.

We would like to draw your attention to this issue of Indian Muslims as well as of Muslims of China in Uyghur. Mesut Ozil has been removed as part of 2020 PES for raising his voice against the brutality on Uyghur Muslims by China..

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