44 Indian Muslims died till now as government imposed Anti-Muslim Bill/Act.

While protesting against the anti-Muslim bill earlier, now changed into an act after the President's approval large parts of India protest against this act, joined them all others Hindu, Sikhs, Christian, Buddhist communities.  Majority of Hindu Muslims supporting the protest of Muslims in India when on 10th November 2019 GOI passed the CAA, CAB in both the houses of the parliament, the upper house and the lower house, known as Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha addition in it with the President's approval changed the bill into an act, in which all the migrated/refugees mainly Hindus and other religious communities except Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan will get Indian citizenship, but those Muslims who are living in India since era's and ages have to provide documents to prove their Indian citizenship if they failed then they will not more a resident and native India, they will be sent to detention camps and further may be killed or detained.

The recent government of India states that clear no space for Muslims in the recently passed act since the act passed almost 15 days ago the situation in India is not a quiet and healthy environment.
Riots like situation in the Country's capital Delhi, about 20 cities in Uttar Pradesh heavily vanished by the Police, youngs boys even minors are getting detained, the men between 21-35 are being arrested by police on suspicious, no warrant issued by the magistrate, the public property has been damaged by police. Muslims all over the world are agitation against this anti-Muslim discriminatory bill. Official Records says till now 20 Muslims including two minor schoolboys died so far by police.

There is a riot-like situation everywhere in India. major parts of the west and east have been cut off by internet, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Assam, West Bengal also curfew imposed in these areas with no internet, SMS, video services.

The Muslim students of JMI and Aligarh Muslims University have been terribly beaten by the Delhi and Uttar Pradesh Police even many students are amputated and severely injured and many are surviving with death and life. The students even Muslims female students of JMI have been harassed sexually.


  1. Allah is watching over you, wait till you harvest all of your evil action, you are more than a devil! shame on you! what have we done for you to treat us like this? We don't deserve this.

  2. So annoying for treating them like that

  3. ALLAH knows better. ya Allah help Muslim umma ya Allah

  4. My brother we don't need to threaten em with revenge rather tell em they have their own people living in Muslim land/nation. How will dey feel vice versa

  5. they domt care their own ppl , zionists also did not cared jews , in wwII ..this is all an agenda , and ppl are brainwashed !

  6. Ya Allah
    Ya Khadiru
    Ya Mulku
    Ya Azeez
    Ya Gaffar
    Ya Zulja lalu Wal ikram

    Help your Muslim servants whom been brutally abuses all over the wold especially in India, China and other not mention countries.
    Allah pleases them and gives them Aljannatul Firdaus as rewards for what's are been tested here.
    Ya Allah protect your religion Islam and the Muslim ummah.

  7. They ployed and plotted they forget that Allah is the best planner,So bear patience and have piety and put your trust in Allah and obey Him and love one another and unite ourselves then the vicory will come,Do you think just because you said we are believers we will not be tested and tried nor people before us been tested and tried.we are not here to build this world but hereafter.

  8. INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAIHIR RAJI UN (From Allah we come and Him we should returned) lets do this all of us daily.

  9. Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi protect all Muslim around the world. Ameen

  10. India will suffer Inssha allah its people will scatter all overthe world and beg because of famine soon . Almighty God will Perish those who worship man made stones. another unknown epidemic will break out only in India. Insha Allah

  11. Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi protect all Muslim around the world. Ameen

  12. From Allah we come and unto him we shall return...may Allah forgives their shortcomings and grant the deceased jannatu fridaus
    May Allah protect the Muslims all over the globe
