Pakistani Actor Hamza Ali Abbasi to quit acting for Allah and Will Spread Islam.

Hamza Ali Abbasi is a newlywed man, last month he married to her spouse and after that, he started keeping himself away from the film industry." Indeed It is true that Your wife is your half deen".

Yesterday in an interview Hamza Ali Abbasi declared final farewell to the Film Industry as he wanted to seek the light of Allah and To find out how Allah created this universe. 
In a detailed video, Hamza Ali Abbasi announced to quit acting and declares to spend his whole life to remember Allah (SWT)  and will also spread the message of Islam through every medium, he says if he will produce any film or documentary in near future it will be about Islam and message of peace.

In that video, he also shares his story of conversion from atheism to Islam. Yes, he became an atheist at the age of 14. He one day compared multiples religion and came into the light of Islam, he became a Muslim and found Allah. The video has been viral all over the social media platform and Facebook.
 He said when he put aside the social biased then only Islam was the thing in which he found the eternal truth and existence of the maker of this whole universe.

He said that people stay engaged in many heinous sins, for him that sin was (acting) which keeps him away from Almighty Allah, as in acting one half to adopt the things which keeps you away from Islam and which is not the teachings of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

He also added that now his main objective is to spread the message of Islam through various mediums like - Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and as well as television networks if the makers invited him for Dawah and spread the message of Quran and Hadith.
May Allah give this understanding to each and every artist (Muslims) to quit their profession which is against Islam and spread the truth which is Islam (the peace). May ALLAH bless him and give him success to preach and spread Islam.

1 comment:

  1. I welcme you to your new converted life.if you are spreading the Islam you should know the true Islam.Otherwise it will be like Asman se Girah and Khajoor main Atka.if you are willing to what is the truth.The islam found in the Quraan and Holy Prophets explaination.
