Maulana Tariq Jameel suffers from second heart attack, admitted in hospital with critical condition.

Yesterday the famous Pakistani Islamic scholar Mulana Tariq Jameel suffers from another heart attack, it was his second time, earlier he also got one heart attack in January 2019 this year, he as soon as possible taken to the best nearby hospital and from there shifted to his hospital where he is under treatment since he got very first heart attack in January 2019.

When doctors checked him, it was discovered that his arteries were blocked and if he was not taken to the hospital at the moment then anything could happen, although in his first attack two stents were inserted in his arteries when he suffered first time from the heart attack and now it was discovered that It was not a major attack but a minor for which another stent is inserted , he was complaining successive pain in his chest before going to hospital and suddenly that pain becomes serious which caused him a minor heart attack, sources said "Now his condition is stable"

I also want your attention through this medium to pray for Maulana Tariq Jameel for his speedy recovery and also pray for My maternal uncle who is suffering from a very serious Brain tumor, his condition is very critical and our family is going through a very tough time, in this tough time I want my readers and viewers to pray for my uncle, it is only dua which can change anything even destiny.

This is the month of RABI-UL-AWWAL (THE MONTH OF BIRTH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD P.B.U.H) on 10th of this month whole of the world will celebrate the Birthday of Founder Of Islam (Hazrat Muhammad Sallalahuwaleywasslam) so I request you, people, to pray to Allah (SWT) to give Shifa (Recovery from disease to my Maternal Uncle as well as to Maulana Jameel) in the name of his beloved prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) - Ameen

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