65 Muslims died in Pakistan today by Fire in moving train as Gas Cylinder blast in Pantry.

We informed you about Muslims lives we lost in the last three-four months, one of the incidents took place in Liberia, where around 24 Quran students died along with their teachers, recently a bus caught fire on Hijrah road in Saudi Arabia, in that Incident 35 Muslims died, another hectic event and loss of lives occurred in Afghanistan this month where 65 Muslims died as boom blast (It was an attack), another case was Muslims who lost their lives during Hajj 2019 was 34 in numbers. Sadly, today we are again grieving as we lost another 65-75 Muslim lives in an accident in Pakistan today, in that accident the in train (Tezgam Express) from Karachi to Lahore, when the fire broke out train was crossing Rahim Yar Khan, which was located 400KM away from Lahore.

The fire broke out as some passenger was carrying a Gas stove in the compartments and the fire affected three consecutive compartments (Bogies), people said they were able to hear the sound of crying babies and their mothers were helpless. Along with the majority of males, women and infants also died by fire, 100 were seriously injured.

Major people belong to the Islamic preaching class which is popularly recognized as (Tableeghi Jamaat) in Pakistan and India. Tariq Jameel is one of its most prominent public figures, according to sources they were going to attend some kind of congregation held annually.

May Allah forgive their sins and never a Muslim die by fire as death due to fire is considered as the most deadly and painful cause of death. May Allah raise their level in Jannah and grant them peace and protect them from the torment of the grave. May Allah provide strength to the families of the victims who lost their lives in today's accident in Pakistan.

Do not let this news with you alone, share it all over the social media platforms so more and more Muslims can pray for those departed souls. (Ameen)


  1. May Almighty Allah will grant those involve in fital accident alujona Fridays Amin....

  2. May Almighty Allah forgive thier shortcoming and grant them jannatul firdaus

  3. ...may aljannat firdaus be their final abode
