Christian girl forced to revert to Islam in Pakistan

The name of the girl is Faiza, she is a school student and studied in the city of Sheikhpura in Pakistan which is about 50 Km away from the city Lahore in Pakistan. She was taken away by her school teacher to the seminary also some sources said that her school principal Saleema Bibi forced her and took her away to the Sheikhpura city when reached there the principal forced to revert to Islam.

Is it allow in Islam to force anyone to embrace the religion of Islam? Did ever our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) PBUH: did force convertism. No never or neither any other Islamic caliph or Khalifa did this. One who wishes to revert to Islam should not accept it in anyone's pressure, It should be his/her own wish and will to accept the religion of Islam. But what happened in the city of Pakistan is totally against Islam.

This is the third incident which took place in Pakistan in a week where forced convertism is openly played with the minority living there. This time the victim is not a Hindu but a Christian 15 years old girl who studied in a school whose principal forcibly took her to make her Muslim.

The girl father Mukhtar Masiha filed a complaint against the principal of the school where her daughter goes to learn and study. We described by whom and how the girl was converted to Islam.

The girl left the home on Wednesday morning and did not come back home after school, this worried her father Mukhtar Masiha.

When he inquired in the school office the clerk told her that the Principle Saleema Bibi took her to the madrasa to convert her into Islam. Her father went to three nearby madarsa in the locality and found her in one of them, but the madarsa staff did not allow him to take her daughter with him.

He was totally helpless and shocked, then he contacted the concern police station of the area and filed and complaint of what had happened with her daughter, the police took the culprits into the custody and the news went viral on social media platform seeking justice for Faiza.

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