15 years old Muslim boy set alive on fire as he refuses to say "Jai Shri Ram" in India today.

Chandauli: A 15 years old boy Khalid, was set on fire after he refused to say "Jai Shri Ram" when he was targeted by a mob in the city. The mob is from the Hindu religion, they were trying since long to create tension amongst the two community in the city which is Hindu and Muslims.

The boy's crime was he didn't say what they want to listen, and after a while, they burn him alive and according to medical report he got sixty (60) percent % burn injuries on all over his body.

The mob was comprised of four extremist Hindus which maintains the ideology of Hindu Nation and extremism in India. The boy calmly said: I don't want to say what you are forcing me to say, rather let me go, all four set him ablaze.

The incident took place on the night of Sunday which was 28/07/2019 and the boy was admitted in the hospital in Varanasi, the name of the Hospital according to sources is Kabir Chaura.

The current condition of the victim with 60% of burns is said to be critical and serious, while doctors are trying their best to save the life of the boy who is just 15 and his crime is that he is a Muslim.

The boy in unconscious condition said in an interview when he was in hospital to a news channel he said: I refused them to say "Jai Shri Ram" but they were forcing me and also they were having some kind of weapons to hurt me, and suddenly one from them came and spread petroleum, kerosene or maybe diesel on me. It was to fast that I can't imagine and then they lit me up.

Wallahi, Oh ALLAH please save the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad from the enemies of Islam like you saved Musa from the Pharaoh, We don't want to see India as another Syria or Palestine, Oh Almighty ALLAH please send upon your last tidings and finish every enemy of the true Religion of Islam, Ameen.

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