Saudi Arabia: Muslims caught Dancing on Music while consuming Wine in Jeddah |

The white club Branch is already there in Dubai and Beirut nightclub brand white will now also open as a high-end cafe and bar lounge in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, according to the Chief Executive Officer of Addmind Hospitality Group.

Now the brand White open its another branch in Jeddah, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, waterfront and will be house various genres of music catering. Fans of Hipop, EDM, Rock, RnB will enjoy in this Night club.

A dance will also open that will occupy some space at the upcoming lounge, and is to open for both gents and ladies both at the same time without any Hijab requirement.
White clubs full concept of food and drink's will be available at the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia KSA branch but not Alcohol due to laws and regulations of the board of Saudi Arabia government. We all know that consuming and selling any kind of alcoholic thing is illegal and prohibited in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The KSA and the one who violates it are often subject to severe punishment under the law which may be up to life imprisonment and deportation for a lifetime.

The moves come as Saudi Arabia the KSA repeatedly seen in increasingly open itself up to international music, especially Western Music concerts in the past years. The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, the KSA already hosted a concert of Music star last year in which singers of Western-like Mariah Carey, Enrique Iglesias, the Black Eyed Peas, David Guetta, Akon all performed in the various cities of Saudi Arabia, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the KSA.

In, the past several month's many mixed gender events took place in the Holy Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but all of them were closed because not a single owner of those cafes was having a legal certificate to launched or hosted a musical night event in which mixed-gender will come to enjoy.

Recently a video went viral on facebook which shows a sheikh dancing on music beats while others were enjoying in Club, we don't know either there were any kind of alcohol was served.

May Allah save us from such activities which will become cause for the doomsday (Ameen).


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  2. Replies
    1. What is wrong with this saud self isis islam permit all these nonsense...hunmm we ar nw in end time

  3. Subhaana Allah wait for Allah's wrath

  4. Subhanal just doing bad things in the barakah teritory

  5. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is heading to a doom with all these their indecent and inappropriate wants!

  6. could mix gender music dance be halal...sorry to say..please correct is all haram in Islam

  7. Subhanallah, its haram in islam

  8. Subhanallah..this is very bad

  9. A fake news. Impossible in the kingdom of saudi arabia?

  10. Why people always consider ‘Night Club’ as evil / bad thing
    Think about positive in Halal way
    You people visit corniche, shopping at late night, picnic at late night, restaurant late night, mall all these similar to night club, then why the ‘night club’ picking you
    Think about good

  11. Aouzi Billah,the Saudi kingship is doomed!!!next on the list is gay clubs and gay marriages

  12. Is that true? Asthagfirullah

  13. Sunhanallah
    Where is MBS and his followers heading? Do you guys think that if Muhammad S.A.W Would have agreed to open "A night Music Club" in any place of Saudi Arabia?
    I think the answer is obviously NO.

  14. The end of the world is near. Astagfirullah.

  15. Subhanallah what kind of world are we heading to?

  16. Innalillahi wainnailaihirajun

  17. Fake & fake photoshop..

    Am in Jeddah where is the location.. I 'll check.

  18. I believed this might be fake news.

  19. This can't be accepted in the holy land, and the scholars should do something to stop that evil act

  20. This can't be true. Astagfirullah

  21. Astagafirulah what is the world coming to no more Umrah and Gajh is it now Fasaad

  22. Subhanallah front,front Saudi Arabia becoming something else eventhougth Quar'an has talked about it that world will end the way it started.

  23. Enter your comment...MASHA ALLAH TO HEARD THAT IN PORSONAL

  24. لَا تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يُخْسَفَ بِقَبَائِلَ ، حَتَّى يُقَالَ لِلرَّجُلِ : مِنْ بَنِي فُلَانٍ ؟ قَالَ : فَعَرَفْتُ أَنَّ الْعَرَبَ تُدْعَى إِلَى قَبَائِلِهَا , وَأَنَّ الْعَجَمَ تُدْعَى إِلَى قُرَاهَا . رواه ابن أبي شيبة في ” المسند: ٢/٢٤٩ و في ” المصنف: ٧/٤٥٩ و سنده صحيح على شرط الشيخين ; أحمد فى المسند: ١٢/٣٨٨ رقم ١٥٨٩٨ واسناده صحيح: وتحقيق :حمزة احمد الزين; والحاكم في “مستدركه: ٤/٦١١ رقم٨٤٤٢ وقال: صحيح الإسناد ولم يخرجاه”، ووافقه الذهبي في تلخيصه; و الطبراني في ” الكبير: ٨/٧٣; قال الهيثمي فى المجمع الزوائد: رواه احمد و الطبراني و ابو يعلي و البزار و ورجاله ثقات: ٨/١٨ ; و ابن أبي عاصم في الآحاد والمثاني: ٣/٢٧١; أبو يعلى في المسند: ١٢/٢١٩; والطحاوي في شرح مشكل الآثار:٦/١٩٥; الداني في السنن الواردة في الفتن: ٣/٧١١ و سنده صحيح رجاله ثقات بعضهم رجال الصحيح

  25. Who is the scholars to approve it?

  26. Subhanallah night club with mixed gender and also no wearing of hijab �� and you called it halal
    Oh my God the world is coming to an end
    Wallahi may Allah have mercy on you


  28. Now the guys can dance away like idiots in their beards and Jubba. How mad is that. Should we laugh or cry!!! It’s a totally rubbish idea. If true 👎🏼

  29. i love reading this article so beautiful!!great job!
    Akanthus Σχοινας

  30. This is totally wrong consuming Alcohol is not the only thing mentioned harama so is music dance
    And being in a mixed gender place.

  31. That's how it starts eventually they'll sneak in alcoholic drinks now the shaytan is happy yo opening doors for it near the Holy city

  32. Saudi Arabia's king hahavethed worst record in living memory.... But he has now turn it to Allah....may Allah protect the innocent

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