Mesut Özil Celebrates his Wedding Reception by funding surgery for 1000 children of Syria

Mesut Özil Celebrates his Wedding Reception by funding surgery for 1000 children of Syria.
Mesut Ozil also invited Turkish President Erdogan in his wedding and he was the one who performs the work of the QAZI(Iman). Mesut Ozil and his wife Amine decided to donate fund for 1000 children for surgeries and they also feed as many as children who are Syrian refugees living in Turkey.

Ozil has been a great supporter of the Charity BigShoe, who work with German and Swiss doctors to provide life-changing surgeries to children basically Syrians who need the surgeries the most.

Mesut Ozil is a Muslim footballer he plays from the Club of Arsenal and he revealed a big plan for the Syrian Children in need

He tweets on twitter posted "Amine and I will bear the expenses of the 1000 surgeries for the children in need"

Ozil said that we will be happy to help more and more Syrian refugees children to feed them and make their surgeries successful with the help of Bigshoe.

According to CNN, this newly couple Mesut Ozil and his wife Amine has also made it possible to donate the Turkish Red Cross, partly in an effort to feed thousands of Syrian refugees Children and adults both living in the Turkish-Syrian border.

In 2018, Mesut Ozil donated 30,000 Euros on a special edition Rolex watch in Arsenal annual charity funding event in support of different charity issues.

Many more couples like Ozil and Amine did this great initiative and also spend much more money by feeding thousands and lakhs of Syrian and Palestinian Muslims who are living in different countries borders. A picture went viral of a Turkish Couple `feeding thousands of Muslim refugees living on Turkish-Syrian border on their wedding day instead of spending huge amount of money on their wedding they spend it all on feeding hungry souls.

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