Muslim woman describes torture & beatings in China. She said "I Begged them to kill me"

Mihrigul Tursun:  Victim in Uyghur detention camps said in an interview that she felt huge torture while she was kept forcibly in Camps in China that she wanted them to kill them instead.

She said she was forced and torture to third degree and was also religious and mentally abused.
Chinese govt is detaining Muslims in thousands of numbers from religious minorities especially Muslims.

One of a captive escaped from those camps and went to Washington for an interview, she told reporters that she was arrested two times by Chinese govt, the second time in 2017 and then she was arrested third time in a row and that time the torture was worsed.

She then mentioned that "I thought that I would rather die than go through this torture and begged them to kill me"

Now the question is why the United Nations is still silent while the human rights have been widely violated by the Chinese govt.

Over 2M Muslims in Uyghur were sent into these camps where they do not have any kind of right to practice their faith and even they can't take the name of any GOD especially "ALLAH"

Tursun was not alone in the prison cell but with her other 60 women also there, all were Muslims she said " They have to sleep in turns, use the toilets in front of Male security guards & sing songs praising China's communist party"

Tursun said she & other 60 women were forced to take unknown pills, a white powder that caused bleeding in many women & loss of fertility in others. She told 9 women were dying for three months.

Now, this is our duty to spread this news all over the world so that some of the members who claimed and world top countries who claim that they are the protectors of Human rights should take a step towards this injustice in China for Muslims.


  1. May Allah protect my sisters in China...

  2. May ALLAH SWT protect all of us from kuffars

  3. May the Almighty protect all the Muslims

  4. May Allah rescue the captive and save Islam and Muslims in China. Amin

    1. They shall never see peace in their life. And may Allah save d captive from their cruelty

    2. That is why the coronavirus is there.
      Their cup of sin is overflowing.Unfortunately a lot innocent people have suffered.Muslims and Christians jn china were abused a lot .So now what will happen to their economy

  5. May Almighty Allah prevail them the enemies and touch the mind of the people to realise that what they are doing is wrong.

  6. Ya Allah please help them.......please please

  7. Ya Allah protect us Muslims in this world....

  8. Subhanallah! Ya Allah hear our dua. Ameen.

  9. May Allah protect all Muslim, Muslimat and Converts in China

  10. ۔musilm time come when we rule all overworld

  11. we Fe'-Laanetullahi alel Kaaafiriiin ' !

  12. May Allah protect you all and May Allah give you the highest place in Jannat for the suffering you people are going through

  13. What is our fould just because we are Muslim

  14. What is our fould just because we are Muslim

  15. Where is Human Rights? Those who can help pls do so to release these women!If I had a gun I would kill these Chinese��

    1. We the Pakistanis are having great love for China and people. If it is so China should quit these barbarics policies against Muslim citizens there.Imran Khan should take notice as here in Pakistan China has projects which are can be suffered through enimies by using this issue

  16. May AllahSWT protect us! This is Dajjal! Stick to one God Allah Allah Allah!! What ever happen to you to us around the world now! Be strong dear sisters! Thus hard time, being tortures like this! Allah is testing us! Pls Muslim people wakeUp!
    May Allah help us !
    Pray to Allah
    Dont skip pray 5 times daily
    Do want Allah ask!
    Avoid all sins..In Syaa Allah

  17. May Almighty Allah reward you for your patience inshallah

  18. MBS was in China and when he was asked about it, he said China has the right to protect its citizens and territories from terrorism. So the question is are they terrorist in practicing their faith? Charity begins at home,if MBS could not condemn it, I wonder how it can get to the UN. The hypocrites are too many in the religion and is all about their selfish interests and not the religion. May Allah protect His deen from any aggression.

  19. They can only take actions when it affects the Christian religion for Muslims only Allah can help us.

  20. I wanna know why salman bin Muhammad supported the Chinese prosecution of Muslims

  21. اللہ اپنی حفآظت میں رکھے اور اسلام کی سر بلندی عطا فرمایے

  22. May Allah SWT protect each and every Muslim across the world

  23. Ae Allah musalmano ki madad farma,bohat takleef mn ha ummat-e-Muslima

  24. May almighty Allah bless you all snd protect you from evils


  26. یا اللہ تمام امت مسلمہ پر اپنا کرم فرما آمین ثم آمین یا رب العالمین آمیں

  27. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...
    Binasakan lah musuh-musuh kami, musuh-musuh agama kami, musuh-musuh agama-Mu sebagaimana Engkau membinasakan Firaun dan Haman, sebagaimana Engkau membinasakan Namrud dan bala tenteranya, sebagaimana Engkau membinasakan kaum Aad dan Tsamud dan sebagaimana Engkau membinasakan tentera Ahzab.

  28. Subhanallah! 😭😭😭 If I were a president in any country. I'll invite Uighur Muslims to live in my country. 😭😭😭

  29. This UNO is only fr name ..😡😡May Allah protect u my sisters

  30. Quite unfortunate. May Allaah keep the faith of the Muslims intact. May He also holds the hands of the chinese government whose hearts are hardened. If only they know!!! May Allaah touch the heart...

  31. Ya ALLAH ya khudah please save d Muslim all over d world n give us hidaya to perform 5times salah

  32. O my lord save my Muslim brothers and sisters all over the wprld

  33. Subhanallah may Allah help and protect the entire Muslim

  34. Allah is the greatest and sufficient to protect the ummah of his beloved (May peace be upon him) not only china but the other nations like burma and israel agaisnt islam will soon be questioned for their deeds.

  35. China is also biggest enemy of Islam..

  36. Torture or not Islam will rule them and overcome those barbaric actions

  37. Chinese govt will never see good for depriving and stopping them from practicing their religion peacefully

  38. Islam is spreading like bush fire in the hamattan,but our hypocrite Arab brothers are not helping to protect Muslims,they rather help the western world to bully Muslims,may god protect our brothers and sisters in china,god is watching

  39. As long as Muslims not United we will suffer forever.

  40. May ALLAH SWT protect my sisters who are suffereing there... I just want to say one thing...ALLAH is watching, no bad has ever won over good...same way no one can stop ISLAM...ISLAM is not a Religion,its a great iconic Lifestyle for HUMANITY given by ALLAH SWT...

  41. May Allah protect all Muslims n d world

  42. May Allah protect the Ummah,China release the suffering Muslims,other countries can also do the same to your ugly citizens. Muslim countries unite and open your borders for your fellow Uighur Muslim brothers and sisters.

  43. It's Soo sad to hear this and getting so much angryness on this act with muslims.

  44. May Almighty Allah avenge on ur behalf and give you guys socour

  45. Islam zindabad... ALLAH HU AKBAR

  46. Sister.
    InshAllah.Now they will beg infront of u...Allah is the supreme power..China is now engulfed by a deadly virus

  47. Allah knows batter . COVID19 IS best punishment for China.may Allah protect over muslims all over world .

  48. ma shallah.Allah will see the absolutely sure,these are mere attemp,they cannot extinguish Islam and the muslin.
