Signs of the coming of Imam Mahdi include Lunar & Solar Eclipse occurring in the same month of Ramadan.


Unprecedented Signs of the Mahdi's Arrival: A Divine Revelation

In Islamic tradition, a profound hadith unveils two celestial signs heralding the imminent arrival of the Mahdi, the anticipated Spiritual Reformer. Recorded in Sunan al-Daraqutni, Kitab al-Eidain, this hadith proclaims that these signs, unprecedented since the inception of creation, will manifest: the Moon will be eclipsed on the first night of Ramadan, and the Sun will be eclipsed on the middle day.

Sunan al-Daraqutni, (Arabicسنن الدارقطني), is a book of Hadith (narrations of the Islamic Muhammad) collected by the Muhaddith (Hadith collector) Imam Al-Daraqutni (306 – 385 AH).

Another scholar Imam Ibn Hajar al-haytami also recorded " There will be two eclipse in Ramadan before Imam Mahdi emerges" - 2. Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar by Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hajar Al-Haythami pp 49-53

The foundation of this remarkable celestial phenomenon lies within the Holy Quran itself. Allah the Almighty elucidates in Surah al-Qiyamah, Ch.75: V.7-10, depicting the Day of Resurrection when the eye is dazzled, the moon is eclipsed, and the sun and the moon are brought together.

Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) imparted wisdom and guidance during such celestial events. Narrated by Abu Musa, when the sun eclipsed, the Prophet (peace be upon him) exhibited profound awe, fearing the advent of the Day of Judgment. He sought solace in prayer, offering the longest Qiyam, bowing, and prostration ever witnessed. He reminded his followers that these signs serve as reminders from Allah, instilling fear and urging the faithful to remember Him, invoke His name, and seek His forgiveness.

These celestial occurrences, as foretold in the hadith and reaffirmed by the Quranic verses, are not mere happenstances but profound reminders of the divine power and the impending arrival of the Mahdi. They beckon believers to reflect, repent, and prepare for the transformative era ahead.

In conclusion, the recognition of these signs and their spiritual significance deepens the believers' connection with the divine and strengthens their resolve to uphold righteousness in anticipation of the Mahdi's advent.

Read this also: Red Heifer sacrifice, lunar & solar eclipse in Ramadan & 40 babies

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