Khabib Nurmagomedov influences Ex Mexican Cartel member to accept Islam

Khabib Nurmagomedov is one of the most famous boxers, Khabib is a Russian boxer and promoter. You have seen in so many of his victories that after winning over his opponent he always do "Sujood" to Almighty GOD, which means total submission to the GOD in Islam. Also, in many of his interviews at the boxing arena, he mentioned that this victory of his is only from Allah. He always thank Allah for blessing him with fame and money. 

One of Khabib's fans and a member of the Mexican Cartel reverted to Islam after watching Khabib's repeated way of giving credit to his victories and fame to the Almighty. He is an interview said I used to think that why Khabib always does "Sujood" after winning over an opponent.

This practice of doing Sujood by Khabib stuck in my mind and I started attracted towards the religion of Islam and I found it really peaceful and beautiful.

There are so many other Muslim personalities who always give credit for their victories to Almighty God. Some of those Muslim personalities are from the background of football in which Muhammad Salah, Paul Pogba are some of those players who always and likely do Sujood on scoring goals against their opponent team. You have seen them doing so many times during a live match. 

This act of doing prostration attracts non-muslim viewers and fans of these personalities towards Islam, this act of prostration urge the viewers to learn why their favourite footballer or boxers are doing this and sometimes their this curiosity make them Muslim from non-mslim.

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