The man who designed the Door of the Ka'bah passed away


The door designer of the house of Allah passes away a few weeks back in  Germany. The news of his passing away to the next life was posted and shared by the haramain sharifain official website. The name of the man who designed the door of the Kaabah was Muneer Al Jundi, he passed away on Wednesday Jumada Al-Awal  4, 1442 AH in Stuttgart, Germany. The door which was designed by him was installed at Kaaba in 1399 AH by the orders of King of Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Khalid bin Abdul Aziz.

King Khalid bin Abdul Aziz noticed that the former door needs to be changed as it has undergone some deterioration and ordered a new door to be installed in place of the former one which was installed during the reign of King Abdul Aziz. King Khalid also ordered the work of another door to be installed inside the Kaaba where a staircase leads to the roof.

May Allah forgives Muneer Al Jundi and raises his rank in Jannah, along with him may Allah also forgives us all and protect us all from the enemies of Islam.

As Muslims it is our task to make a dua for his forgiveness, so write: " إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎, ʾinnā li-llāhi wa-ʾinna ʾilayhi rājiʿūn" in the comment box, Kindly share the post so more and more Muslims can pray for him.


  1. May Almighty Allah have mercy on his soul and his family to bear his lost and the community their and the Muslim umahh and may his grave be better than his bed in here and may we all make it to janatul Firdausi

  2. Inna lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi rajioune. May Allah SWT have mercy on him and accept his noble work and save him from the punishment of the grave and grant him Jannatul Firrdawws without questioning. Allahumma Aameen Ya Rabb Al A'alameen. May Allah SWT grant his family sabran jameel and ease and protection. Ya Rabb. Allahumma Aameen.
