Nelson Mandela's Grandson Converted to Islam


This story is not new, Mandla Mandela converted to Islam way back in 2016, but the news is circulating for the last few days across social media platforms. So, we decided to write about it and also to remind you people about this great conversion into Islam. We all know the achievements and heights of Mr. Nelson Mandela, he was one of the most influential men in the world, we can compare him to  Mahatma Gandhi of India. Nelson Mandela fought various fights against injustice and racism with black people basically in Africa and around the world.

Mandla Mandela was born in 1974, he is a graduate of Political Science from Rhodes University. He joined active politics in 2009 and married a Muslim woman in 2016, it was his 4th marriage with her. We can trace the reason behind his conversion through his marriage to a Muslim woman, most probably her wife's love takes him to the right path which is the religion of peace (Islam).

Mandla Mandela converted 2 months ago from his wedding with her Muslim wife. He expressed gratitude and affection towards her parents who let him convert to Islam and also he thanked the entire Muslim community to accept him as their own and for welcoming him into the religion of Islam.

During a visit to Pakistan in 2017, Mandla Mandela said that he considered himself the luckiest man who was blessed with the religion of Islam.

Hope you people loved the story, kindly share with others.