110 Muslims Killed In Nigeria In an Attack


According to the Broadcasting E-Media Al-Jazeera English report, atleast 110 civilians killed in Nigeria in an attack by armed men on motorcycles, the majority of those who died are farmers in northeastern Nigeria, the united nation has said that 'this is the most "gruesome" civilian direct attack of the year.

A mass burial has happened in Zabarmari village, Nigeria. In which large numbers of farmers fraternity took part and offered the funeral prayer for the deceased. No, European media houses telecast this news as those who lost their lives are not Christians but Muslims.

The mass killing happened on Saturday in the early hours of the day in the village of Koshobe. Many men riding on a motorcycle loaded with arms and ammo attacked men and women who were harvesting their crops in the fields.

110 were killed including men and women, several women were also kidnapped, many others found injured. The death toll may also rise.

This attack is the most heinous direct attack on innocent civilians who were just poor hardworking farmers who belong to the Muslim community.

May Allah raises their status and considers them as a martyr, may Allah give strength and patience to the family members of those 110 farmers who died in this attack.

If you are reading this and you are a Muslim you can pray for them in the comment section.

May Allah keep all of us under his protection. I would also like to ask my readers to pray for my Maternal Uncle who is in critical condition fighting on the hospital bed to survive, may Allah ease his pain and grant him cure.


  1. May Allah be pleased with their souls and grant your uncle a quick recovery 🤲

  2. May Allah considers them martyrs and grant quick recovery to all those who are injured

  3. May Allah considers them martyrs and grant quick recovery to all those who are injured

  4. May Allah grant them peace and mercy in paradise

  5. انا للہ و انا الیہ راجعون

  6. Inna lillah wa inna ilahi rajioun... may allah grant them jannah and sabr to near and dear ones

  7. May Allah swt have mercy on the souls of victims

  8. May Allah grant them Janna.

  9. Inna lillah wa inna ilahi rajioun... may allah grant them jannah and sabr to near and dear ones...aaminn
