President Macron is begging Muslims to stop boycott French Product


What do you think Macron? You disrespect our beloved and the noblest creation of Allah our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and we will promote your economy? No, never. We can tolerate anything because toleration is part of our faith, but we can't tolerate what you did, you disrespect our beloved prophet, who is sent to us as mercy.

France is urging Arab countries to stop boycott of their products amid anger over its islamophobia. #Boycott_French_Products

Calls to boycott French goods are already growing in the Arab world and beyond. Kuwait's non-governmental Union of Consumer Co-operative Societies has already pulled several French products in a boycott. Several co-ops visited by Reuters on Sunday had cleared the shelves of items such as hair and beauty products made by French companies.

Well, maybe they shouldn't be so islamophobic? You reap what you sow.

Boycott French Products, MacronThe Devil, today was trending on Twitter in several Muslim nations including India.

Now, see there will be more disaster, we all witnessed how COVID cleaned thousands of people in Italy, we are not happy by their deaths, but we are pointing towards a clear sign from Allah, now this time Macron made fun of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), now we will all witness the downfall of France and the downfall of Macron too. May Allah punish him like the Pharoah. May his body will be saved as a sign till the day of judgment for many people like him who dare to insult our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Surely, France you will beg for the mercy of we Muslims like you are begging now not to boycott your products. May Allah punish you macron in this world and in hell after you die.

The rank and status to the messenger of Allah are given by Allah himself, nobody can insult him, may Allah send his blessings and mercy on our Prophet our Honour, (Muhammad) peace be upon him.

Macron begs Muslims to stop boycott French Product.

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