Police in Makkah arrest the father who beat his own little daughter

 A sad piece of news is coming from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and from one of the sacred cities of Saudi Arabia, Makkah. Also, the city is so sacred that our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born there. A week ago a very disturbing video surfaced on multiple social media platforms where a father was seen beating his own small daughter who was around 5-years-old. We can't imagine how much pain she had tolerated as the father tied her with a rope and lashing her on her sensitive parts, also it was a kind os sexual abused too. The girl was screaming and crying at the same time, she was seen saying these emotional words to her father "Baba (father) do not beat me, Baba, I am your Daughter", but the merciless father keep on beating her and torturing her badly.

The cursed father didn't stop there, but he intentionally recorded the video and uploaded it on social media.

We were shocked and sad at the same time that here we are now as an ummati of the noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who once said these affectionate words for his daughter Bibi Fatima-tuz-Zahra (salamullahaleha), He said "Narrated Al-Miswar bin Makhrama:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Fatima is a part of me, and he who makes her angry, makes me angry." - Sahih Bukhari Shareef.

In the viral video, the father was mercilessly beating the feet and body of her daughter with a lash.

While the cries of her daughter don't make any effect on the cruel father, her sibling was seen also threatened by the incident as she/he was scared of their father's activity on her/his sister.

A spokesperson of Makkah Police said: that they have arrested the father who is in his 40's, and a resident of Makkah itself, he was arrested on the charge of beating, torturing, filming inappropriate video and posting it on social media. Soon the man will be trialed in the court.

The source of this article is from Gulf News

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