Muslim Man & Sister attacked in France for speaking Arabic


As we all know that rising Islamophobia in the infidel's land is at its peak, every day we heard the sad news from western countries, that some white supremacists attacked Muslims, Muslim women, or a man with a beard. Anyone, who follows his religion according to his beliefs is a crime? I don't think so, then why the hell western countries who called themselves the most modern and civilized society do this kind of heinous crimes against humans? Because they are just Muslims?

The victims the man and his sister hail from Jordon, were brutally attacked for speaking their native language which is Arabic, and hence we all know that Arabic is also the language of the Quran, and our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also hails from Arab.

Muslim Man and Sister Attacked For Speaking #Arabic

Mohammed and Heba Abu Eid were brutally attacked last week on Thursday in the French city of Angers by a French man and a woman for speaking Arabic. 

Mohammed Abu Eid said: “The attackers started yelling at me and my sister, saying angrily this is #France, not your country. The attackers targeted us at a bus stop after hearing us speaking in Arabic.” 

The siblings said they asked bystanders to call the police, but their pleas were ignored.

Mohammed, who had to be taken to a hospital, said he injured his face protecting his sister.

#France #Islamophobia #Racism

Mohammad Abu Eid & his sister Heba Abu Eid were attacked on Thursday evening by two French guys after they allegedly spoke Arabic, according to a Facebook post written by Mohammad.

Mohammad Abu, an Arabic teaching assistant, and his sister Heba, an M.A student who started her graduate studies earlier in the year in France, said they were waiting at the bus stop for public transport to arrive when they were insulted for speaking Arabic.

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