Israel bombs Gaza with rocket fire as UAE, Bahrain signed deals

 The largest anti-muslim military in Gaza has carried out a series of air rocket blasts on the besieged Gaza strip overnight just before Israel was going to make a peace deal with Bahrain. Gaza again under attack,  earlier when UAE signed a peace deal with Israel, Israel bombed Gaza for straight 8 days, Today Bahrain signed a peace deal & Israel bombed Gaza today, this shows that Israel saying that look your own Muslims are responsible for your killings, we are just doing our jobs.

We all witnessed how the enemies of Islam bombed our ummah in Gaza, just after the peace deal with UAE, tell me one thing who is responsible for those attacks? Our Ummah in Gaza has been gone through so much pain and tortures from the past 70 years but, not a single Arab nations raise her voice against this cruelty, and now they joined hands with those who kill our Muslims in Gaza.

The military fired many rounds of rocket raids around the cities of central Gaza, luckily no causality was reported. I don't get what Israel trying to show us that look your brothers in faith are now with us, in our biggest trade, and now we will kill you openly nobody can ask us because the rich nations of your fellow Muslims are now signing pacts with us one by one, followed by the biggest Arab nation

Ya Allah we pray to you, keep protected our Muslims in Gaza, Syria, Yemen, and everywhere they are being stabbed by their own fellow Muslims around the world.

May the tyrants rule end soon from all over the world, may only the rule of those prosper who ruled it with justice and Islamic law. May soon we witness the arrival of your pious Imam Mahdi and Prophet Isa (PBUH), to make an end to this cruel rule.

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