No Need To Wear Abaya Says Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman

Saudi Arabia's crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman says Abaya is not necessary for women. He says it in order to transform the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia into a modern kingdom, without any tradition which can limit the netizens of the kingdom. Earlier the Kingdom also allowed women to drive vehicles and can go out without a mahram (husband, father, brother). The crown prince Mohammad bin Salman issues a statement regarding the scrapping of Abaya and Hijab mandatory for women in an interview at CBS television in the United States. He said " It is not necessary for women to wear an Abaya"

What is an Abaya?
Abaya is a full-length cloth that covers the complete body of a woman, as in Islam to hide one's modesty is of high regard and faith. Muslim women around the world used Abaya to hide their beauty and modesty as it's for their Husbands only. In India, Pakistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and in all Islamic nations women prefer to wear Abaya, but as the growing influence of the west and western clothes and lifestyles younger generation is getting away from this tradition and Mohammad bin Salman did nothing but just add fuel to a burning generation.

Mohammad Bin Salman said they can choose attire of their own and can wear a decent dress that covers their body. He added that Islamic laws are clear that women should wear nice clothes like men and this particular does not specify that they should only wear a black Abaya/Niqab or a black Hijab on their head.

After Prince Statement What's Changed in KSA regarding Women Attires?

Now you can see in Saudi Arabia, That women are more likely wearing colorful Abayas, and many were seen roaming without even a headscarf or a hijab. Now nobody can stop them wearing anything they like too and nobody can question their modesty.

Tell us in the comment section, how do you see this move of Crown Prince?


  1. May Allah guide him ������


    2. Sad, that this new prince is not protecting islam. He is completely crazy about western life. May our muslim youngsters think wiser and stronger about islam than this prince who is going backwards.

  2. First of all this is not a traditional dress this is what Allah has command the womans to wear and to hide.

    What he's doing actually is a step backwards he's. Most pepole upon this earth are fighting Islam, look just at political parties when they try to gain voices first thing they mention is Islam they will fight Muslims and Islam and they will do this and that, so all he's doing is to make westerns happy about the way is going to rule so he can get to that position, but let me tell something don't ever try to chalange the way og Allah because you loose, here and after.

    1. I think in Damam (place correct the spelling) a disco club music is there also, which is prohibited in Islam...drinking liquor also free there, this is too bad in a Islamic country.

      Falsa propoganda by media regarding ksa

    3. We pray that may the good Lord guide and protect the religion for us, if not many leaders will lead us to the wrong path like the crown prince just started...

  3. If you read the whole article from the original source he said they still need to wear modest and respectful attire. Also we need to ask ourselves how many of our women wear black abayas

      Exactly bro but there is hatered among masses without any reason to ksa ...May ALLAH guide them

  4. He who follow the weast tradition,he has to knew that he left the right parts of the holly prophart[pbh]

  5. not good i think this is an un Islamic move.

  6. May Allah(s.w.t) give him hidayat and the entire ummat hidayat inshallah

  7. It is nothing but blind western imitation and anti-Islamic act. May be he want to suggest somthing else and media was interpretation else

  8. This is a bad decision to made from a Muslim that understand the rules that guides woman dressing....bad decision From the prince .

  9. What else he wouldn't say since he has already turned himself in to American puppet, May Allah SWT protect our religion from such Munafiqun!!!🙏🙏🙏

  10. Remember you're religion is islam not christian how relationship with them not like your religion and every things has a limitation .

  11. It's heartbreaking to hear such a sad new. I could only wonder what the world will be like in the next 20 years. You does see even our own Muslim don't understand the teaching of Islam. The Quran is a perfect book that was send from God to prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. Yet ppl failed to see this. Anyone want a answer about Islam plz read the Quran and stop listening and looking at prince, king and other mankind.

  12. It's heartbreaking to hear such a sad new. I could only wonder what the world will be like in the next 20 years. You does see even our own Muslim don't understand the teaching of Islam. The Quran is a perfect book that was send from God to prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. Yet ppl failed to see this. Anyone want a answer about Islam plz read the Quran and stop listening and looking at prince, king and other mankind.

    Fake news regarding ksa

  14. We already noticed that he's trying to fulfill the needs of his masters, America and other western worlds.
    The Prince is doing nothing but going against Islamic Shari'a but we pray that he never succeed!

  15. The crown prince is being used to fulfill the needs of westerners and yahuuds, he is hiding in the name of the leadership, Islam world is at great loss

  16. The prince has been against Islamic law throughout his life time

  17. This is freedom to women Islam , go to Africa's go to Chileans go to European all this countries women are free there.

    1. This act is not freedom for women. It is a perfect toss into the hellfire. Allah has commanded us not to follow our vain desires. Too many muslimahs in the west have taken off more than Allah will be pleased with! Stand before Him and tell Him the prince said it was okay. Who is your Lord?

  18. He can says what ever he like we Muslims are not the followers of Salman we are the followers of Allah and nothing can change us except Allah alone

  19. May ALLAAH make him repent and guide him back to pristine Islam.. it is obvious that the enemies of Islam are using him against the ALLAAH they won't succeed..may ALLAAH protect his religion and the Muslims

  20. End of the world sign...may Almighty Allah save us

  21. But my fellow muslim,evn if he said so,we still need to get him riģht,coz l believe he dint stop it,he only said its not necessary,its uppon our mothers,sisters and wivies to think of it,for those whom were doing it for him,won't dress,bt if they did it according to the teachingz of prophet mohammad(pbuh)won't be stopped,I beleive God can test us using different ways
