China will rewrite the Holy Quran and remove as many verses as possible.

We know that you are well aware of the crisis in China on the Uyghur Muslim minority, day by day the brutality is going worse. You may be aware that names like Muhammad, Ayesha, Umar have been banned in China and the Muslim children were taken to prison cells where they are being taught to kill the Muslims and hate the religion of peace (Islam). The whole of the scenario looks like a mass persecution of the Muslim minority in China.

The same scenario has started by the state of India under the fascists and racist government of India, Muslims have been looted, killed, raped, even the old man of 75-80 was beaten brutally by the Indian police, but no one is raising their voice against this discriminatory bill which has been passed by the ruling party of India, against Muslims living in India. May Allah (SWT) helped both the Nations e.g- China and India along with Palestine and Yemen, Gaza.

Recently Beijing government said that it will translate classic religious books like the Quran and the Bible and these books will be re-evaluated.
The new versions of the Quran must not contain any verses that contradict socialism.

The re-evaluation will be done to remove any kind of opposition to the communist party of China, people worldwide known that the Quran teaches only love and peace with opposition to injustice, the recent government in China wants to kill each and every human being along with those books which teaches humanity over inhumane and justice over injustice. So, the government of China could easily sell the lives of those opposing them for their injustice they are doing with the Uighur Minority.

The president of China Xi Jinping ordered to start re-writing the Holy Book of Muslims and Christians, so their dictatorship may last long and no good social values may be reached to the next generation, so that they can raise their voice against this injustice and evil government which tortured, killed, raped mainly Muslims minority living in China.

May Allah save Muslims all over the world from the enemies of Islam. (Ameen).


  1. What Allah says about the Quran in the Quran

    • There is no doubt in this Book (2:2).

    • Allah has taken the responsibility to explain it (75:19).

    • Allah says He has revealed the Quran and He will protect it (15:9).

    1. This is really,no any parson that says i will protect Qur'an.

    2. Alhamudulillah that I'm a moslem

    3. Allah will protect his book and let you Chinese know that we have over a billion Muslims who have memorized that holy Quran.

    4. Stop propagating wars far bigger than your heads and your family inclusively. There's no religion which is as peaceful as Islam. And anyone who is in anyway propagating wars against them, you will be first perished before anyone.

    5. Stop propagating wars far bigger than your heads and your family inclusively. There's no religion which is as peaceful as Islam. And anyone who is in anyway propagating wars against them, you will be first perished before anyone.

    6. Bhagwan mahaveer swamy may bless you and let live..ahimsa pramo dharma

  2. Allah will protect his book ...

  3. May Almighty Allah guide them to they truth

  4. May the almighty ALLAH forgive the enemies of Islam.

  5. Its not a big deal for us we memorize it

  6. I will like to advice you for getting the knowledge of Islam before criticism
    When you go deep in to it you will understand that there's no good man ever exist on Earth like our beloved prophet Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him.

  7. Allahu,akbar Allahu Akbar many people say Muslim are terrorist, what is happening in China, Indian palastin, Isreal Gaza always are kill Muslim who are those people!!!!!?

  8. Wait till your meet with Allah, then try say that in front of HIM. May you be blessed with hidayah. Some people not really know what they are talking about, they are not there in the historic moment, they didn't read the Quran (unchanged and can't be changed, they are not word from human, they are words from God), they don't know hadis, they arrogant enough to not opening up and understand anything from the Quran, what Allah warns, and what Allah says. Hence, Allah has told that those who gone astray because they choose to, they are the one who will regret the most, in the akhirat. Not Allah, not us Muslims, but you.

  9. Don't feed the trolls. They're just trying to get a response from you. They're not worth wasting your time on.

  10. The Qu'ran is protected by Allah. It is unique and the communists (or anyone else) will not be able to come up with even one verse like it. Any "changed" Qu'ran that the communists come up with would be an obvious fake.

  11. Where did you get this information from. I would like to read this myself as no where in Islamic Qur'an and hadith have I read or seen this. If this was the case then go yourself to the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him grave and see how many billions of believers running and wanting to be there for his blessings. Please don't say anything bad of my beloved prophet Mohammad . please read and research his life before saying nasty things. May God make you see the light before it. Is too late

  12. IAM proud to be a Muslim Allah save us inshallah.

  13. Your at lose and are going to see it when your are done may he guide you to the straight path of islam

  14. Am proud to be a Muslim....May Allah forgive those who talk what they don't knw about our prophet Muhammad (p b u h)

  15. The great pretender is not human it is robot

  16. I can see you are going insane

  17. I am a musliM, peace love and co existing with human is slogan of my religion,if you are not please you can hang yourself

  18. You are true lieyer you can't change HOLLY Quran

  19. You have to read some books. In your comment is there more aggression than as you explain islam and moslims to be aggressiv. Never talk without knowledge.

  20. Am very sorry for such aperson who knows how to read and write to be arrogant to that extent the man your talking of. Is aman how didn't go to school but explained everything in this world and what will happen in future (may peace be upon him) doing that regarding to the Quran . Ok back to your nonsense book (Mathew 10-34 and 1samuel 15-3) says what??? So you will never find any contradictions in his (S.W.A) speech off the Qur'an . So avoid pretending it's high time you look forward to khow who's your Creator

  21. Had u been infront of me n say this I will behead u ...and the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him was and is the greatest man that walked the face of this earth ....who had the best of manners n the kindest to humanity...

  22. Check on Google, so you may know the world best man

  23. May Allah protest and guide Muslims round the world

  24. May Allah protest and guide Muslims round the world

  25. May Allah protest and guide Muslims round the world
