32 Muslims died so far in Gaza including 8 members of the same family by airstrike.

As you people know that from last 2 days the Gaza is under attack, severe damaged killed at least 32 Muslims residence living in Gaza, out of which 8 family members including a one-day-old baby was also killed, according to a picture which has been viral across social media said that the child has died inside her mothers womb during delivery at home. Many Facebook pages shared the funeral photo of that baby in his father's hand inside the funeral cloth of green color. This is not the first time Gaza is under attack, every year around 2000-3000 Muslims including both males and females, old people and children died.

Many big media partners like "Al Jazeera" is capturing each and every detail of the Gaza crisis and openly targetting the anti-Gaza forces for this massacre. Actually, this is genocide in which the anti- Gaza forces openly bombing the houses of Muslim residents in the Gaza stripe.

The shocking out of which is 8 members of the same Palestinian family died today after the airstrike hit their house early in the morning or late night yesterday. 

We request you all in this difficult time pray for the Muslim ummah either they are Kashmiri Muslims or Indian Muslims who are currently facing anti-Islamic elements or the Muslims living in Gaza and Syria.

Also, pray for the people of Australia basically for the Flora and Fauna, many endangered species including koala died in vast numbers due to the fire in NSW. The world is facing a crisis a hatred for Muslims and Islam. I request my readers and followers to pray to Almighty Allah to save us from such trials (*Ameen*)


  1. They could never ever been erase these holy people in this planet.. Becoz there is Nothing to worry for those who died & murdered becoz in the hereafter they will the one will gain BIG praise from the Almighty ALLAH

    In Shaa ALLAH Ameen!

    1. Satan and False god Worshippers resort to Fascism! The Initiators of Fascism are 9/11 Experts. Click to see "How Benjamin Netanyahu Controls UN November 2019!" (TO BE RE-ELECTED TO AVOID JAILTIME) God Willing:- https://thehijazpost.com/how-benjamin-netenyahu-controls-un/

  2. By Allah grace
    Allah promise that he will test those have faith in him one way or the other,
    This is there test they have score it there reward is janatul fiddaus,
    By Allah grace
    Innaddina indallahil Islam

    1. Satan and False god Worshippers resort to Fascism! The Initiators of Fascism are 9/11 Experts. Click to see "How Benjamin Netanyahu Controls UN November 2019!" (TO BE RE-ELECTED TO AVOID JAILTIME) God Willing:- https://thehijazpost.com/how-benjamin-netenyahu-controls-un/

  3. may Allah guide and protect all Muslims worldwide give us victories over enemies ameen

    1. Satan and False god Worshippers resort to Fascism! The Initiators of Fascism are 9/11 Experts. Click to see "How Benjamin Netanyahu Controls UN November 2019!" (TO BE RE-ELECTED TO AVOID JAILTIME) God Willing:- https://thehijazpost.com/how-benjamin-netenyahu-controls-un/

  4. Courage my brothers and sisters in islam, this world is short lived. Paradise will be our final destination Insha Allah, Ameen. And the wretched infidels...Allah the Great will take our vengeance with them...and who Allah takes to account they are doomed for ever.

    1. Satan and False god Worshippers resort to Fascism! The Initiators of Fascism are 9/11 Experts. Click to see "How Benjamin Netanyahu Controls UN November 2019!" (TO BE RE-ELECTED TO AVOID JAILTIME) God Willing:- https://thehijazpost.com/how-benjamin-netenyahu-controls-un/

  5. Satan and False god Worshippers resort to Fascism! The Initiators of Fascism are 9/11 Experts. Click to see "How Benjamin Netanyahu Controls UN November 2019!" (TO BE RE-ELECTED TO AVOID JAILTIME) God Willing:- https://thehijazpost.com/how-benjamin-netenyahu-controls-un/

  6. Allah protect my all sister's and brothers ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
