US International Religious Freedom Award to Muslim Cleric who saved 280 Christian lives in attack.

On July 18, the Trump Administration in the United States has been awarded the Imam of Nigeria by the "International Religious Freedom Award" of 2019, which saved 262 Christians by hiding in a house and mosque by attacking a fierce mob in central Nigeria. His name is Imam Abubakar Abdullahi.
According to CNN, Imam Abdullahi had launched a planned attack on 23 June, 2018 by the fierce mob on the Christian farmers in 10 villages of Burkin Ladi area of ​​central Nigeria; hundreds of Christians ran away because of these attacks, when they met the Imam He gave shelter to hundreds of Christians in his house and mosque, and after that himself stood up against the attackers.

International Religious Freedom Ambassador Sam Brownbach said at an award ceremony in Washington on Wednesday that when the attackers asked about the whereabouts of those Christians, the Imam refused. The assailants gave them many threats but they agreed to go to any extent to save the lives of hundreds of people, they told the attackers that they could take my life instead of them.

Sam Brownbach said that "Imam Abdullahi has presented the example of courage, selflessness and true brotherhood." The organizers of the prize given to the religious freedom advocates said that the Muslim monk used to save the members of another religious community. Risked his own life, who would be killed without their intervention.

On his honor, he said with the help of an interpreter, "Allah has chosen me for this work which I have accomplished, he said that this is the event after Namaz Namaz at four o'clock, after the prayers, we heard the voices of firing They were running, we told people to come in, women men and children were all there, they all came in. We closed the doors so that the attacker could not come in. We only then Opened a door. "

"The attackers surrounded the mosque, they were forcefully pushing to open the door," When we heard that the attackers were targeting Christians, we came out of the window and asked, why they want to harm those people Are those who have taken refuge in Allah's house? "

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