Khamim: An Indonesian man who walked on foot 9,000 Km to perform Hajj.

He lives in Indonesia and started his journey from Indonesia to Makkah to perform the compulsory  Hajj if one can afford. He has no place to hide is head neither he has a lot of money, he slept in the forest as well. Hajj is one of the Pillars in the religion of Islam, It is compulsory for every Muslim who is able to perform the Hajj at least once in his or her life. Billions of Muslims do Hajj every year and start their journey from their homes to Makkah to perform the Hajj in the Islamic month of Dhul Hajjah.

It costs him nothing but just loves toward the Almighty ALLAH that he traveled along on foot 9,000Km to perform the Hajj. He set an example of determination, as he undertook this spiritual journey to perform Hajj and yes He was chosen by Allah as now he is also famous and widely covered by Mass media. His journey was not easy it was hectic and as well as very very dangerous as he had to pass from the forests and jungles where dangerous animals live and hunt at nights either for other animals or human beings. He was also sleeping under the sheds of trees at nights in the jungles and forests.
He traveled through different countries and countries where everyone was not his friend and stranger nobody was easily trying to help him.

He was on his foot so he was not carrying bundles of stuff with him he only owns a bag in which he is carrying Holy Quran, few clothes and a smartphone and GPS, portable torch and light and a tiny Indonesian flag and at last a tent and sleeping bag.

He was carrying 3M Indonesian rupiahs (which is about Saudi Ryal of 850) just to perform Hajj. He owns a good business in Indonesia but he wants to do it on his own capability not by spending amounts on comforts by buying first-class tickets.

He was wearing a shirt in which this statement was written " I am on my to Makkah on foot and putting full trust on Allah"

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