8 British Muslims cycled from London to Makkah to perform Hajj 2019.

Hajj is one of the Pillars in the religion of Islam, It is compulsory for every Muslim who is able to perform the Hajj at least once in his or her life. Billions of Muslims do Hajj every year and start their journey from their homes to Makkah to perform the Hajj in the Islamic month of Dhul Hajjah.

Each Muslim family according to their economic ability choose their way to reach the Makkah to perform the Hajj, many choose the First class tickets, many booked economy class while some come from their private vehicle, but these 8 Muslims from London choose a different and tough way to show their gratitude towards the holy Hajj.

A group of 8 Muslim men from London bicycled to Makkah from London and they started their journey on 7 June 2019 and named this great sacred journey " Tour De Hajj".

In this journey, they traveled 4000 miles, 17 countries and it took them 60 days to reach the destination which is Makkah they all are so rich they are also doing charity work in those Islamic countries where there is a crisis like Syria.

The group of these 8 Muslims and their journey famous as the "Tour De Hajj" team completed their half journey by traveling through France, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria,  Turkey, etc.

When the riders arrived in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomed them at his office of the president in Dolmabache, Istanbul ( the capital of Turkey ).

This journey is fantastic and the name of some those riders are:
Zain Lambat

They even did a lot of charity work to pleases ALLAH the almighty.

However, there are many more stories of people taking Hajj journey on foot or through the cycle.

When asked Waseem said "  We want to create a legacy to show the Muslims that what is possible, for every pedal we pedaled, the riders and donors of the charity will be rewarded by the Almighty ALLAH and our sins will vanish.

May ALLAH accept their Hajj and free them from their sins, Ameen

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