117 Muslims coming to perform Hajj dies after Plane crash only an infant survives & performing hajj this year.

Today we are going to tell you an old really old but sad as a well interesting story, in 2003 a flight Sudan 139 carrying 117 passengers got crashed and all the passengers, as well as crew members, died on the spot when the plane crash on the earth only an infant survive as he was wrapped under the arms of his Mother. The flight was of Sudan airways. The flight gets crashed because of supply cut in of its engine. The flight was about to make an emergency landing. However, the plane could not make its emergency landing and plunged on the ground and immediately the plane caught fire at that time there were 117 passengers in the plane all were dead except one.

The name of that infant baby was Mohammed al Fatah Othman, he was the only survivor of that drastic plane crash where 117 Muslims except crew were coming to perform Hajj in 2003.

The miracle is that his father was already in Saudi Arabia as he worked there, they used to live in Sudan and coming to perform Hajj, but when his father got the news he was really shocked and thinking that he lost his wife as well as his baby, this is not less than a miracle. That he was alive in those 117 people and all were dead, Indeed it was Allah wish and they all are coming to visit Allah's house so Indeed they all are Paradise holders.

We got a picture of that infant at the time of the accident when he was found alive and now we also have another picture of his adulthood when he came to perform Hajj recently. He is now an IT student in Egypt and earning a Halaal income by which he with his father and sister again came to perform Hajj and how amazing is this that It is all ALLAH's wish and will.

He set a great example which declared that miracles do happen by the will of ALLAH.
 He was also invited by the Prince Sultan bin Salman to perform Hajj on the expenditure of the Prince himself.

When asked to his father: He replied I'm gratefull that ALLAH almighty make it possible to perform Hajj with my son this year.

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  1. Please don't fabricate fake news. The lone survivor already died shortly after the crash due to injuries. So what is this fitnah?

  2. this is an OLD NEWS > https://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/09/world/116-are-killed-in-plane-crash-in-sudan-a-small-boy-survives.html
