Muslim Refugee girls in Lebanon are being sexually abused and forced to marry Non-Muslims

Refugee girls in Beirut face sexual violence and forced marriage to Non-Muslim aged men, report says that more than half of the refugee girls living in Lebanon face sexual abused and harassment on a regular basis.
Plan International, a developmental and humanitarian organization has revealed research on these refugee girls in Beirut are being sexually abused and harassed by alarming regularity.

The organization researches on 400 girls aged between 10 to 19, the study revealed that multiple threats of abuse girls faced growing up in Lebanon.
Nearly 70% of those girls are unsafe in their own city after the sunset, no single girl can travel around the city after 7 PM, 90% of the 400 girls said they feared that they can be raped anytime at night.

Teenage girls said they were followed by men and boys for being sexually abused other said thet they concern about being kidnapped or raped.
They further said, "there are always drunk men who harass us and those who aren't drunk also harass us, touches us also abused us".

13 years old girls are forced to marry by their parents because if they don't marry the drunk men around raped or abused them.

A 13-year-old Syrian girl said my all friends are now married and they even have 2-3 children, how can we stay idle while the girls of our ummah still facing human trafficking and human abused while the united nation is sleeping and not taking any actions against those drunken men which are legalized by the government of Israel.

Let's pray for the safety of the young girls of this ummah in Lebanon and Syria, may Allah protect them and save them from the evil eyes.

Let's stay united as the signs of doomsday is near and the evil eye Dajjal have to come yet to spread hatred and killings amongs our ummah.

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