CHINA detained 3M Muslims into Prison cells in last 2 years.

China is putting Muslims into internment camps and no one's doing anything about it.
China has detained more than a million Muslims in concentration camps - & no one is doing anything about it.

American UYGHUR ACTIVIST:  Aydin Anwar in her research report said: " Right now, China's detained over a million Uyghurs Muslims and other Turkic Muslims into Concentration Camps. They are forced to denounce Islam, adopt atheism, and pledge allegiance to the Chinese state. They would spend hours on end chanting in their crowded cells, 'There is no such thing as religion', or 'all hail the Chinese state', or 'all hail Chinese president Xi Jinping', And if the detainees disobey, or if there's any type of resistance there is torture being used. 
There are at least 800,000 and possibly up to a couple of million folks in these detention facilities. 
Nails are being pulled out, teeth are being pulled out, they are using snakes to interrogate, People are being beaten until they are dead, they are being sterilized- a method used in genocide. They are forced to sit on what's called 'tiger chair', where they were clamped down on this chair for hours on end, oftentimes in solitary confinement. People are being sent to these camps for random reasons. One of them could easily be you were in contact with someone abroad, you have a family m,ember abroad, you engage in religion, so if you pray , if you m,ention word God in your speech, if you fast - any type of indication that you are practici9ng religion, that is enough for you to be sent to the camps, And thousands of people have actually been transferred from these camps to prisons. One of my relatives, in early 2017, got put inside one of these camps. Last November he came out dead. One of my relatives got sent to the camp because he went to the United States to attend my cousin's wedding in 2014. Last August, he got sentenced to 15 years of prison. There is not a single Uyghur who doesn't have at least one family member into camp or some form of detention or prison. The worst part is when someone dies, their bodies are not taken to their families, but rather, the bodies are cremated, and that's another way for China to hide the evidence of bodies coming out of these camps. The children of detainees have been sent to state-running orphanages and boarding schools where they are taught to hate their own religion, identity, and are forced to speak Chinese, are subject to abuse and torture. The parents don't know where their kids are. Most towns and villages in East Turkestan are almost empty. Around 70%-80% of the civilians are all gone because most people are in some form of detention or prison.


  1. Truly intolerable action may Allah guide them on the right track

  2. Definitely China going to lose

  3. But China they have to wait until I'd see what is going to happen almighty Allah never leave them

  4. Türkistan’daki çoğu kasaba ve köy neredeyse boş. Sivillerin% 70 ila% 80'i hepsi öldü çünkü çoğu insan bir tür gözaltı veya hapishanede.

  5. Geçen Ağustos ayında 15 yıl hapis cezasına çarptırıldı. Kampa en az bir aile üyesi veya bir nevi gözaltı veya hapis cezası olmayan tek bir Uygur yoktur. En kötüsü, biri öldüğü zaman, bedenleri ailelerine götürülmüyor, aksine, bedenler yakılıyor ve Çin'in bu kamplardan çıkan bedenlerin kanıtlarını gizlemesinin bir başka yolu. Tutukluların çocukları devlet tarafından işletilen yetimhanelere ve kendi dinlerinden, kimliklerini ve Çince konuşmaya zorlandıkları, Çince konuşmaya zorlandıkları, istismara ve işkenceye maruz kaldıkları yatılı okullara gönderildi.Ebeveynler çocuklarının nerede olduğunu bilmiyor

  6. A.B.D.
    Bu gözaltı tesislerinde en az 800.000 ve muhtemelen birkaç milyona kadar millet var.
    Çiviler çekiliyor, dişler çekiliyor, sorgulamak için yılan kullanıyorlar, İnsanlar ölene kadar dövülüyor, sterilize ediliyorlar - soykırımda kullanılan bir yöntem. Onlar “hapsi sandalyesi” olarak adlandırılan şeye oturmak zorunda kalıyorlar, saatlerce bu sandalyeye sıkıca bağlandılar, çoğu zaman yalnız hapsi içinde. İnsanlar bu kamplara rastgele sebeplerle gönderiliyor. Onlardan biri yurtdışındaki biriyle kolayca iletişim kurabiliyor, bir aileniz var, bir yurtdışını koruyorsunuz, dine giriyorsunuz, yani eğer dua ederseniz, konuşmanızda Tanrı kelimesini eklerseniz, oruç tutarsanız - herhangi bir tür dini uyguladığınızın belirtisi, bu kamplara gönderilmeniz için yeterli. Ve binlerce insan aslında bu kamplardan cezaevlerine transfer edildi. Akrabalarımdan biri, 2017 başında, Bu kamplardan birine girdim. Geçen Kasım ayında öldü.Akrabalarımdan biri kampa gönderildi çünkü 2014'te kuzenimin düğününe katılmak üzere Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne gitti.

    Aydın Anwar araştırma raporunda şunları söyledi:
    "Şu anda Çin, bir milyondan fazla Uygur Müslümanı ve diğer Türk Müslümanları Toplama Kamplarına alıkoydu. İslam'ı kınamak, ateizmi kabul etmek ve Çin devletine bağlılık sözü vermek zorunda kaldılar. Kalabalık hücrelerinde, 'din diye bir şey yoktur' ya da 'hepsi Çin devletini selamla' ya da 'hepsi Çin cumhurbaşkanı Xi Jinping'i selamlar', ve tutuklular itaatsizlik ettiyse ya da varsa direnç tipi kullanılan işkence vardır.

  8. Çin, Müslümanları şehir kamplarına sokuyor ve kimse bu konuda hiçbir şey yapmıyor.
    Çin toplama kamplarında bir milyondan fazla Müslüman'ı gözaltına aldı - ve kimse bu konuda hiçbir şey yapmıyor.


  10. The United Nations, the Human Rights Office, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation MUST act on this. They are vanguards of human rights and freedom. Why are they sleeping? The world should act together on this. The Muslims through oit the world should stop showing their wealth and power if they cannot extend help to their brothers and sisters in China. The Chinese should also wake up not to kill their own citizens such as Uyghurs because they belong to chinese society too. Wake up China. You have no right to kill innocent people.

  11. May Allah guide them...allah is one nd he will show them what he is nd what he can do... Insha Allah taalaa he will do somthsome

  12. Shame on Chinese for such inhuman behaviour... where are so called NGOs and Organizations?

  13. May Allah bring war in china

  14. Shame on you china!!!😡

  15. Allah will punish these kind of ruler.

  16. May Allah Grant them peace and tranquility

  17. See it's not like these bro,
    Chaina is very powerful country.

  18. Allah will do the judgement in shaa Allah and teach to the culprit s

  19. This is insane.If they do not stop this then they are going to face the calamity like on the past great nation who are wicked and evil. So continue but wait for destruction.

  20. May Almighty Allah provide protection to the Ughyars Muslims and all other Muslims in the world.

  21. May Allah help them all,but practically what do u think can be done

  22. What is the rest of the world doing? Just watching? What's UN for?
    Wake up & put China to shame!

  23. China is wanted war with Allah

  24. May the Almighty God protect them from this calamity.

  25. It's sad those people can't fight and my question is are they not citizens of the country if they are then I think they should fight back

  26. It's sad those people can't fight and my question is are they not citizens of the country if they are then I think they should fight back
